The Subtleties of Suffering and Happiness
Let me just start by saying that we’re currently going through a severe psychological epidemic. Unknowingly, but we are. The world is driven, fascinated and obsessed with chasing happiness, as if it’s guaranteed at the finish line. A facade of happiness, where the world is filled with lilies and unicorns, where the air smells of roses and where each person is beautiful and kind and warm. In short, a problem-free, mushy life. In fact, many people have made careers out of lying and leading us all to this beautiful mirage. Most life coaches and gurus promise to be alchemists and pull you out of the sufferings of the world, but if that was all true, why do you still find yourself going back to the point where you started? The thing is, suffering is inevitable. There’s always going to be something crushing you. There’s going to be a good number of heartbreaks, failures, regrets, losses and even deaths. Life throws a lot of crap and it’s okay. So this, here, c...