
The Subtleties of Suffering and Happiness

  Let me just start by saying that we’re currently going through a severe psychological epidemic. Unknowingly, but we are.   The world is driven, fascinated and obsessed with chasing happiness, as if it’s guaranteed at the finish line. A facade of happiness, where the world is filled with lilies and unicorns, where the air smells of roses and where each person is beautiful and kind and warm. In short, a problem-free, mushy life.  In fact, many people have made careers out of lying and leading us all to this beautiful mirage. Most life coaches and gurus promise to be alchemists and pull you out of the sufferings of the world, but if that was all true, why do you still find yourself going back to the point where you started? The thing is, suffering is inevitable. There’s always going to be something crushing you. There’s going to be a good number of heartbreaks, failures, regrets, losses and even deaths. Life throws a lot of crap and it’s okay.    So this, here, c...

The Flip Side

All our lives, time and again, we’re reminded of what we need to be: be good, be kind, be compassionate, and a million other BEs. And every time we stumble, we’re reminded of the ‘BE’ list.  As good as reinforcing just behaviour is, we often tend to overlook and almost neglect the flip side. Psychologically speaking, each human is a combination of different traits and further different combinations of those traits and emotions. In the entirety of this world, there is nothing absolutely black or white, and we humans are no exception. There is no one who does not have any shortcomings, there is no one who is perfect in a social sense, and there is no one who is a complete lost cause.  The idea of having picture-perfect parents, children, partners or friends has manipulated all of us into creating faux selves. Selves which overlook or shove the ‘undesirable’ traits, emotions and reactions under the rug. Naturally, as a result, we come to a point where we don’t k...

Try Honesty

Everybody talks about how growing up means building a career, taking charge, being independent, learning lessons and meeting new people.  But I have hardly ever heard someone talking about how important it is, while growing up, to learn to be honest : Honest about what you want, what you need, what you think and what you feel. About who you are! In the hustle and the rat race, we tend to almost forget how important it is to be honest with oneself and others as well.  Imagine what a total waste of a life it would be to not know what you want, or to keep your truths and desires hidden under a million layers of conscious and unconscious social conditioning and the fanciful expectations by oneself and society. Listen to your gut, be honest to your instincts. If a situation makes you anxious, accept it. If you want to switch jobs, switch them. If you are angry at your friend, tell them and talk to them. If someone makes you happy, cherish that. Find out what align...

To Fate or To Not Fate?

“Life is what happens to us while we’re busy making other plans.” - Allen Saunders Then again we have William Ernest Henly who said, as I quote, “It matters not how strait the gate,  How charged with punishments the scroll,  I am the master of my fate:  I am the captain of my soul.” Which school of thought do you admit to? Fate! Psychological, philosophical and even biblical studies, all have attempted to decipher the concept of fate over the years, yet, it is still as ambiguous as ever. Some believe that fate is like a manual from the stars, a cosmic rule-book which defines the course of our lives. Others yet, believe that it is our actions and our actions alone which decide our fate.  But what truly is fate and how crucial is it in our lives? I think, that, maybe it is a combination of both, the stars and the grind, the universe and the action.  I think every right you’ve taken instead of the left, every time you decided to walk home...

Notes On Love

Love! Well, I’m sure you’ve read about it in a million articles, stories, poems and some even check about it in their horoscopes (now don’t lie!).  Don’t worry, I’m not going to assert the cliche regulars here about how, one day, you’ll find the love of your life and how everything in the world will be sunshine and rainbows. I secretly hope you do, though.  What I want to address is how love and romantic relationships are the two most intermingled words I have ever come across. We are so bewildered about the concept of love that we have made relationships and love practically synonymous. As an obvious result, we’ve begun to hate love, when in reality, it’s the claustrophobic feeling a modern day relationship brings that we hate.  You think you don’t need love but if you look close enough, a majority of our actions are driven by it, consciously or otherwise.  Why do we find ourselves limiting love to a romantic relationship? Love is free and profo...

Mental Health In Isolation

The Corona virus has hit us hard, in every aspect, much more than anybody anticipated. Every power of the world has been trumped (pun intended!) and trounced by the virus. The world has come to a screeching halt. Among the many bazookas this lock-down has shot at us, a particular one seems to overshadow and overwhelm the lives of all, whether affected or unaffected by this demonic virus. There is a claustrophobic feeling which has engulfed nearly every one of us in varying degrees. From being a feeling of isolated restlessness for some, it has become a pandemic of its own for others. Psychologically speaking, prolonged social isolation like claustrophobia brings around anxiety and sometimes depression. Most of us tend to ignore these mental health issues as they do not surface in the daily hustle of life. Among this, some of us have made the hustle, the routine, the socializing a coping mechanism. Others still, live in denial and manage to not let their issues surface amongst ...


The world is only so much of black and white. It’s rather, often, different shades of grey. Everybody knows how to make a choice or call a difference between the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the fulfilling and the unfulfilling. The black and the white. But this little life of ours here, loves playing games and twist and trick the hell out of us.  The choices of rights and wrongs are easy to make, but it’s the choices between two rights or two wrongs which define us as an individual. It’s more about perception than mere right or wrong. It’s more about circumstances, than just true or false. It’s more about beliefs, than correct or incorrect.  You know, the black and white concept is too objective and too unrealistic for a world like ours. I’d like to think that the world is very subjective. We are living in a million metaphysical complexities while each being a complexity in his own. Each one of us have our own drive, our own reasons, our own motives, o...