
Showing posts from May, 2020

To Fate or To Not Fate?

“Life is what happens to us while we’re busy making other plans.” - Allen Saunders Then again we have William Ernest Henly who said, as I quote, “It matters not how strait the gate,  How charged with punishments the scroll,  I am the master of my fate:  I am the captain of my soul.” Which school of thought do you admit to? Fate! Psychological, philosophical and even biblical studies, all have attempted to decipher the concept of fate over the years, yet, it is still as ambiguous as ever. Some believe that fate is like a manual from the stars, a cosmic rule-book which defines the course of our lives. Others yet, believe that it is our actions and our actions alone which decide our fate.  But what truly is fate and how crucial is it in our lives? I think, that, maybe it is a combination of both, the stars and the grind, the universe and the action.  I think every right you’ve taken instead of the left, every time you decided to walk home...